Category Archives: Resources

I’m an Empowered Educator!

I did it! I worked my way through all six of the Ontario Extend modules and was rewarded with the status of an Empowered Educator. Whoo hoo!

That means I have received a badge for each of the six modules and one special final badge for the Empowered Educator designation.

It’s kind of like being in Brownies or Girl Guides all over again and working on those activities so you could get that badge that you could sew onto your sash. Only this time you get to download paper badges that you can print out onto a certificate or stickers you can put on your laptop.

This journey started with the Technologist Module that our wonderful Educational Technology Officer, Jesslyn Wilkinson, in the Teaching & Learning department at Conestoga College invited us to participate in. It was a great way to jump in. A group of us started together back in mid-June and supported each other through the activities over the two week timeframe that had been set for the learning experience.

After successfully gaining my first badge, and checking out the rest of the modules at, I decided that I was going to continue my quest and go after the other five badges: Teacher for Learning, Curator, Collaborator, Experimenter and Scholar. Each of them focused on a specific area and required different activities to be completed. I discussed several of the challenges in posts here. All of them made me stop and think and taught me new ways to be better at what I am doing, both as a professor and professionally.

In the program’s description, to have achieved Empowered Educator status, recipients have, “increased their capacity to create learner-centered technology-enabled and online learning experiences. They are empowered educators who have explored a range of emerging technologies and pedagogical practices for effective online and technology-enabled teaching and learning. They have explored the skills, knowledge, and attributes required to extend and transform their teaching and learning practices and to enrich their professional development.

Wow, it almost makes it sound like I know what I’m doing! Wink, wink!

I am very proud and excited to be counted among those that achieved Empowered Educator status.

Experimenting with New Techniques

As I mentioned last week, I am in the process of working on my Ontario Extend teaching workshops. I now have completed four modules and am finishing up my fifth one, the Experimenter Module. This blog post is part of the final activity for this series of challenges.

The focus this time was to experiment with different technology tools that you can use to create resources for your classes. And at least one of the challenges had to be done using your smartphone or tablet.

Now, the modules don’t have to be done in any particular order. And, as I mentioned in my blog last week, in the past year, I have taken 66 workshops in various types of teaching resources. So, many of the tools are ones I have already experimented with. But, I did look for ones that I would use.

With that in mind, I chose to create an infographic, a GIF and to use the OER Commons resource builder.

The infographic I created was entitled, “Who’s Using Social Media?” I know this is a topic I cover in most of my Public Relations and Marketing classes and I need to use updated facts. So, I created a quick graphic that shows the latest estimate on how many people are using which online platform.  This will provide a fast graphic for my students to look at and refer to, something that they can refer to more than their textbook. Also, I can easily update and reuse it.

My next challenge was to create a GIF using the GIPHY Make a GIF Tool. I had never made a GIF before, so this would be interesting. One of the topics I also teach every semester is about media relations and working with the media. I used a rather infamous piece of television footage from NBC News’ Meet the Press and the U.S. White House’s Counselor to President Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, being challenged about then Press Secretary Kevin Spicer lying on behalf of President Trump. She uttered her rather famous statement about the reporter/host being dramatic, saying it’s not lying, it’s alternative facts. I chose to turn that into a meme.  Creating this type of graphic allows me to take an “are you kidding?! in your face tone that most of us think, but don’t say. I can pop this into a presentation, or resource and let it stand on its own. ‘nuff said!

For my final task, I chose to use the OER Commons and its Open Resource Builder to create a graphic that would be posted and free for other educators to use. OER Commons is the “public library of open educational resources.”

I used a couple of different tools to complete this activity. As one of our activities had to be completed on a phone or tablet, I used my smartphone to go to Unsplash and select a photo that captured the essence of marketing projects that my class would be working on this semester. I then went to my PicMonkey app on my phone and edited it.

I ran into to some issues though, and had to go to my laptop/desktop version, so that I would be able to save it in a format that I could upload to be able to use with the OER Commons website.

I did use my phone to search and find the OER Commons website, register, read about it and try and figure out how I was supposed to do the assignment. But, it was difficult! I ended up coming back to my laptop/desktop setup again, so that I could click on the link here and access the information easily. I then created the resource.

There are definitely advantages and difficulties in using a smartphone for class assignments. I know that I have students that need to depend on them. It is the standard for many international students in their home countries. I’ve had discussions with students about this. Some use their phones as they commute to school or to jobs to listen to classes that they have missed, so it is important that all my classes are recorded. I have also started to create mini videos for assignments that provide more detailed information and even tips, so that students can replay these as they need to through the semester. This is especially important for the major assignment that is worth 30 percent of their total mark.  

The downside of using a smartphone was it was not as fast, as smooth or as complete an experience as using my desktop version. It made me frustrated, because I realized that I was missing elements that I could do on my desktop version of PicMonkey for instance. I wasn’t going to be able to upload my finished product the way I needed to. The option wasn’t there. I also couldn’t grab the photo directly. I needed to save it in my PicMonkey file first from Unsplash. It took me extra time and if I wasn’t aware that I did have these options, I would think that I couldn’t do it.

I actually have had students who didn’t have laptops and were trying to do all their homework on their phones. This came to a head after Covid-19 hit and the school was closed. No more access to laptops at the library! That’s when I started to see the difference in assignments and I began asking questions. The school had resources to lend them computers, but they weren’t aware. So, the connections needed to be made. It’s important to realize that not everything can be done with one resource.

I do know that adding a poll in class is one quick way to add the use of a smartphone to the student experience.

This was an interesting series of experiments and has added to my repertoire of resources that I can use for creating tools, both for classroom, professional and personal use.

A discussion about my journey of learning

Thanks for stopping by! Stay safe!
